EUROLINK - House of Europe





The Central European Advocacy for a Fair and Transparent Competition ( CEFTAC ) Platform was established under the aegis and with the kind support of the PHARE Programme of the European Commission, following the first edition of the European Conference on Competition and Competitiveness (Constanta, 7-10 October 2004), in the presence and with the support of the high representatives of the European Commission, OCDE, Romanian Competition Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and of other competition regulatory bodies from Romania and the New Member States.

The CEFTAC Platform is designed to be an interface between different key actors in the competition field, from the regulatory specialized authorities as the Competition Council and the DG Competition of the European Commission, to the business environment represented by companies, employer confederations, professional associations and the governmental / non-governmental organisations.




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Visit the website: www.ceftac.ro

Past events organised under the aegis of the CEFTAC Platform:

European Seminar - Bucharest, 8 November 2007

European Competition and Competitiveness Days in Romania, organised under the

High Patronage of the Presidency of the European Union

“Roluri si prerogative interne si comunitare privind regimul concurentei si  acordarea ajutoarelor de stat dupa aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana

European Seminar - Bucharest, 23 November 2006               

Second edition of the European Competition and Competitiveness Day in Romania

organised under the High Patronage of the Presidency of the European Union

"The legislation in the field of competition. Dangers and pitfalls for undertakings"

GALA of the CEFTAC Platform - Bucharest, 18 May 2006             

Second Edition of the CEFTAC PLATFORM Gala, organized under the

High Patronage of the Presidency of the European Union

"Socio-Economic Impact of Romania's integration on the European Single Market"

Training Seminar - Constanta, 8 May 2006                                                    

series of information and training sessions focused on the Structural Funds 

“How to get ready for integration within the European Single Market and how to use the Structural Funds?”

Training Seminar - Timisoara, 24 March 2006                                       

series of information and training sessions focused on the Structural Funds

“How to get ready for integration within the European Single Market and how to use the Structural Funds?”

European Seminar - Bucuresti, 3-4 November 2005                        
first Romanian event dedicated to the relation:


“Competition and Competitiveness Days in Romania”

European Training Seminar - Mamaia, 19-21 May 2005         
under the Honorary Patronage of National Authorithy for Turism and of the Embassy of Italy in Romania
“Competition in turism and related services in view of the integration of Romania's economy within the European Single Market”

European Seminar - Bucharest, 7 March 2005 
under the High Patronage of the
Presidency of the European Union and of the Presidency of Romania
with the the support of the PHARE Small Projects Program of the European Union

“Prospects and Tasks of the Romanian Economic Environment

before the Accession of Romania to the European Union”

European Conference - Constanta, 7-10 October 2004 
under the Honorary Patronage of
Mr. Mario Monti, the Competition Commissioner of European Commission and Mr. Mihai Berinde, the President of the Competition Council of Romania

Central European Experiences of implementation of the Acquis Communautaire

in the field of Competition on the European Single Market. The preparation of

Romanian business environment for the new European competition



Main issues



Press Release
